Post by xianno on Feb 18, 2020 18:42:00 GMT
AH HA! it was the wrong script! So instead of ShooterMeleeInput you want to go to vMeleeCombatInput and replace line 150 to 153 with the code xianno gave us: protected virtual bool JumpConditions()
{ return !cc.customAction && !cc.isCrouching /*&& cc.isGrounded*/ && cc.GroundAngle() < cc.slopeLimit && cc.currentStamina >= cc.jumpStamina && !cc.isJumping;
protected virtual void JumpInput()
if (jumpInput.GetButtonDown() && JumpConditions())
} That got it working for me. Good to know that it's working for the Melee too! I'm updating my post so!
Post by drmarvellous on Feb 18, 2020 22:16:44 GMT
You nailed it midgear - Bravo! Great find, it was indeed the "vMeleeCombatInput" script that needed xianno's last code snippet, it now works great for me too, thank you. I appreciated the efforts of all involved and I hope this hack soon becomes a standard feature of Invector. Thanks again everyone
Post by midgear on Feb 23, 2020 8:25:06 GMT
Can anyone think of a way to make the jump reset the falling distance? I want it so if you jump at the right time, right before you hit the ground, you can avoid taking damage once hitting the ground.
Post by xianno on Feb 29, 2020 17:56:12 GMT
Can anyone think of a way to make the jump reset the falling distance? I want it so if you jump at the right time, right before you hit the ground, you can avoid taking damage once hitting the ground. There is already a line to reload the velocity while jumping a second time. Fall damages if I'm correct are using velocity to calculate the amount of damage you need to take when Grounded. I read somewhere that there is bug related to fall damage in the current version; I'll work on it when the next one will release!
Post by zgoodwin on May 2, 2020 0:57:48 GMT
How to make the second jump play a separate animation clip from the animator?
Post by xianno on May 4, 2020 14:53:29 GMT
How to make the second jump play a separate animation clip from the animator? It is not intended to work like this; You should need to modify Jump methods and add some line that tells you at which JumpCounter you need to trigger the wanted animation.
Post by owlandfox on May 27, 2020 19:41:45 GMT
I have managed to get this working great! My only addition now is in relation to the question asked in the above comment about adding a second jump animation. Could you provide the line of code necessary to add this jump counter at the correct place? Sorry im an art guy not a coder :/
Post by xianno on May 27, 2020 20:21:58 GMT
I have managed to get this working great! My only addition now is in relation to the question asked in the above comment about adding a second jump animation. Could you provide the line of code necessary to add this jump counter at the correct place? Sorry im an art guy not a coder :/ I didn't created this add-on, and it seems that the creator is no longer on this forums or doesn't want to update this add-ons. I didn't try yet, but be sure I'll share my work if I manage to do that! (Or maybe someone will do it before me?)
Post by madferret on Jun 19, 2020 8:58:27 GMT
Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to implement this and its not working, pretty sure its me, so I just a had a few questions.
1. is 'V third person motor' supposed to go onto the character as well as 'v third person controller'? because when I create a character it doesn't add the character motor.
2 I have added the script to the third person controller & the third person motor and set 'multijump' to 2 & I have added the 'airbourne' tag to the animation.
Am i missing any steps? no errors have appeared so if anyone else has this working i will start from scratch and try again.
Post by ojameslayerazo on Jun 22, 2020 7:32:41 GMT
Hi Everyone for a person who need to trigger Second Jump Animation i edit some line on scripts of vThirdPersonController.cs Add this Code on line 287 (Maybe) //Check JumpCout too trigger SecondJumpAnim if(currentMultiJump >= 2) { animator.CrossFadeInFixedTime("JumpSecond", 0.3f); }
after that you need to edit animation in animator add you second animator and dont for get to make a transition to (up) Airborn set a state to falling or whatever....... And Enjoy.........
Post by xianno on Jun 24, 2020 2:58:06 GMT
Hi Everyone, I'm trying to implement this and its not working, pretty sure its me, so I just a had a few questions. 1. is 'V third person motor' supposed to go onto the character as well as 'v third person controller'? because when I create a character it doesn't add the character motor. 2 I have added the script to the third person controller & the third person motor and set 'multijump' to 2 & I have added the 'airbourne' tag to the animation. Am i missing any steps? no errors have appeared so if anyone else has this working i will start from scratch and try again. Thanks, I'm not sure about what is your problem. Can you link your errors on the console? Is your jump not triggering? Are you using Melee or Shooter template?
Post by madferret on Jun 26, 2020 8:44:09 GMT
Sorted it now, im not sure what it was...
Post by zgoodwin on Jul 5, 2020 14:09:40 GMT
Hi Everyone for a person who need to trigger Second Jump Animation i edit some line on scripts of vThirdPersonController.cs Add this Code on line 287 (Maybe) //Check JumpCout too trigger SecondJumpAnim if(currentMultiJump >= 2) { animator.CrossFadeInFixedTime("JumpSecond", 0.3f); }
after that you need to edit animation in animator add you second animator and dont for get to make a transition to (up) Airborn set a state to falling or whatever....... And Enjoy......... This is great. Unfortunately it's throwing an error. error CS0103: The name 'currentMultiJump' does not exist in the current context
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Posts: 3
Post by andre on Jul 6, 2020 14:36:45 GMT
Hi Everyone, it's taking too long for my character to jump again, almost a second? How can i make the carachter jump again sooner?
Post by xianno on Jul 13, 2020 13:12:20 GMT
Hi Everyone, it's taking too long for my character to jump again, almost a second? How can i make the carachter jump again sooner? That is not normal. It is not doing it for me. Have you changed the code in the guide?