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fall into the ground
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Post by miworld on Aug 29, 2018 23:24:31 GMT
Hi, I cant find any tutorial on Throwing objects. can someone post a link please
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Posts: 5
Post by task on Feb 3, 2019 14:25:55 GMT
Hi, I cant find any tutorial on Throwing objects. can someone post a link please The c# programmers easy understand it, so there will never be a tutorial. They want you to learn c#
Post by Invector on Feb 4, 2019 12:45:19 GMT
Basically, you just copy the component from a prefab that already has it, and place into your new character, also, make sure to set up the Events correctly for your character. No C# skills needed for that, just copy and paste skills
Post by madscientist on Feb 6, 2019 16:29:14 GMT
The Throwing objects works great for me... The only problem is that the throwing object don't show on the player hand when aiming. I'm planing to solve it with the on Enable Aim events.
Post by nitrox32 on Aug 10, 2019 1:02:07 GMT
It isn't that easy. I tried copying the Throw Manager from vShooterMeleeController onto my character. The first problem is that I'm getting a purple rectangle in front of my character in scene view. This is not seen on the vShooterMeleeController. I looks like it has something to do with the UI, but I don't know. Second, when I press "G" to set up to the throw, nothing happens. I think what miworld is getting at by "only C# programmers find it easy to understand" is that when problems occur with the suggestions you provide, without knowledge of what specifically each and every setting does, we don't know where to start troubleshooting.
I believe we as non-programmers are fine with troubleshooting on our own if we knew what each setting did. This is where the online documentation is lacking. Additionally, the tool tips provided for some components, don't cover all of the settings. In the case of the Throw Manager there are no tool tips for any of the settings. I guess what would be helpful would be not just an explanation of what something does, but more importantly, provide a reason to change this setting.
That said, my specific goal is to throw a magic spell. I would prefer not to copy and paste because if I knew what each setting does and why to use it, I can make a magic spell that is unique to my project, not a grenade prefab with a different model. At the very least a step by step working outline of at least the basic steps from the beginning to end, would be helpful.
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Posts: 80
Post by cyhak on Aug 10, 2019 8:04:04 GMT
I am planning on releasing a Addon for this
Look at this :
Post by Legion on Aug 10, 2019 11:08:10 GMT
Hi, I cant find any tutorial on Throwing objects. can someone post a link please The c# programmers easy understand it, so there will never be a tutorial. They want you to learn c# And you want C# programmers to make your games instead of putting some effort.
Post by nitrox32 on Aug 10, 2019 14:25:35 GMT
Leigon, I meant no disrespect to those who do code. In fact, I am learning to code on myself. I can do some simple scripts to handle simple things like triggering animations, altering transforms and turning the mouse cursor on and off. Not very exciting, but hey, everyone has to start somewhere . In my quest for learning to code I have access to thousands of working code examples. Additionally, there are hundreds of forums and youtube videos where I can reach out to friendly and experienced programmers willing to offer advice. That said, it would take years for me to code something as complex and complete as Invector. This is why I purchased the product.
So, getting back to the topic, is there somebody that can help me understand how to create a throwable object from scratch? This is what I have figured out:
1) The Throw Manager needs to be added to my player. I believe the throw point is the place on my character where I want the object to be parented. If so, do I need to add this object to the inventory? Does a custom handler need to be added to that point? 2) The Throw End is a game object but what components need to added to the game object in order for it to be accepted in this field? 3) Object to Throw must be the actual object thrown and needs a ridged body to be accepted into the field but are there additional components that are needed?
4) Obstacles is are the layer that the object can't pass through. 5) The Line Renderer is added when I add the ThrowObject component. This added a purple rectangle to my character. I'm guessing this has to do with a missing something is needs.
Can someone offer answers to these questions? This would at least give me a starting point.
Post by Invector on Aug 12, 2019 14:49:55 GMT
nitrox32 are you in a hurry to add this feature? if not, I just did some modifications to the Throw and now it's just a single prefab that you drag and drop inside your character, no need to set up anything including the HUD. It will be on the next update coming this week or the next.
Post by Invector on Aug 12, 2019 14:51:24 GMT
Btw the purple rectangle is just a missing material from the line renderer, Unity makes things purple every time it's missing a material, basically, you just need to copy and paste the component values of the line renderer just like you did with the ThrowManager.
Post by nitrox32 on Aug 17, 2019 0:57:00 GMT
Thanks for getting back to me. I'm having trouble getting my character to throw an object more than once. When I try to throw the object again the aiming key doesn't respond and therefore I can throw an object. All other controls go back to normal. What am I missing?
Post by nitrox32 on Aug 18, 2019 16:15:14 GMT
Bump. Anyone? This does this in the demo BTW.
Post by Invector on Aug 19, 2019 17:58:32 GMT
Thanks for getting back to me. I'm having trouble getting my character to throw an object more than once. When I try to throw the object again the aiming key doesn't respond and therefore I can throw an object. All other controls go back to normal. What am I missing? Kind obvious but... Do you have more than 0 throwable objects to throw? We have a ThrowUI prefab with a counter to display how many throwable objects you have. Btw, I just release the update I mention before... now you can simple drag and drop the ThrowManager prefab and everything works out of the box
Post by nitrox32 on Aug 19, 2019 23:31:41 GMT
Yeah, I figured that one out . I did try the updated version with the drag and drop. It ended up breaking my project. No worries...I had a back up and it barely set me back. I'm still just trying to set up some spells on a character in an empty scene. Anyway, I'm going to stick with previous version. I pretty much figured out most of the Throw Manager and Line Renderer so I can customize it how I want. Thanks.
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Posts: 8
Post by burrs on May 20, 2021 15:36:13 GMT
My copy and paste skills seem to be lacking as well lol. Is it possible to get some screen shots of replacing this prefab correctly? I would like to throw a game object like a watermelon with it's own animation. I can change the material to the grenade but when I drag and drop the ThrowManager prefab my scene ends when I try to grab a game object that isn't inherently the grenade.
Does the ThrowManager prefab go on the player? if so what goes on the object being thrown? I tried copying each component of the grenade on to my game object and that was obviously not the way to go about this lol.