I wrote this up for you, just replace your current code with this and set the onPartDeath event to trigger your functions.
insert code here
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
namespace Invector.vCharacterController
using vEventSystems;
[vClassHeader("DAMAGE RECEIVER", "You can add damage multiplier for example causing twice damage on Headshots", openClose = false)]
public partial class vDamageReceiver : vMonoBehaviour, vIAttackReceiver
public GameObject targetReceiver;
public vIHealthController healthController;
public int health = 20;
public int maxHealth = 20;
bool alive { get { return health > 0; } }
public UnityEvent onPartDeath;
void DamagePart(vDamage damage)
health -= damage.damageValue;
health = Mathf.Clamp(health, 0, maxHealth);
if (!alive)
public void OnReceiveAttack(vDamage damage, vIMeleeFighter attacker)
float multiplier = (useRandomValues && !fixedValues) ? Random.Range(minDamageMultiplier, maxDamageMultiplier) :
(useRandomValues && fixedValues) ? randomChange ? maxDamageMultiplier : minDamageMultiplier : damageMultiplier;
if (overrideReactionID)
if (useRandomValues && !fixedValues) damage.reaction_id = Random.Range(minReactionID, maxReactionID);
else if (useRandomValues && fixedValues) damage.reaction_id = randomChange ? maxReactionID : minReactionID;
damage.reaction_id = reactionID;
if (ragdoll && !ragdoll.iChar.isDead)
var _damage = new vDamage(damage);
var value = (float)_damage.damageValue;
_damage.damageValue = (int)(value * multiplier);
if (multiplier == maxDamageMultiplier) OnGetMaxValue.Invoke();
ragdoll.gameObject.ApplyDamage(_damage, attacker);
if (healthController == null && targetReceiver)
healthController = targetReceiver.GetComponent<vIHealthController>();
else if (healthController == null)
healthController = GetComponentInParent<vIHealthController>();
if (healthController != null)
var _damage = new vDamage(damage);
var value = (float)_damage.damageValue;
_damage.damageValue = (int)(value * multiplier);
if (multiplier == maxDamageMultiplier) OnGetMaxValue.Invoke();
healthController.gameObject.ApplyDamage(_damage, attacker);
this.enabled = false;
insert code here
Hey Man sorry for the late reply. Thanks a Million for the script! so to make this work i open my vDamageReciever script and replace the text with the script you wrote and save?
I have some rather complex characters already set up using vDamageReceiver, Do you think this will break their functuality?