Post by xianno on May 20, 2020 13:43:32 GMT
I'm actually creating escort quests on my game, and I have some little issues I want to solve, I hope someone can help me on that!
I want my AI to follow the player, run when he is a little bit too far and be able to fight enemies, to lead him in a trigger safely. I'm using Companion FSM. I tried to use a Arena and a Melee FSM with tags changed, nothing seem to be working better than Companion for my problem.
1/ In some scenes I have three characters, it makes the AI to follow a character that isn't in sight, the Escort AI will so go straight and will stuck itself 2/3 times. When following, AIs don't fight, they let themselves be beaten.
2/ Very often, they take a long time to find their navmesh, and they can simply bug as soon as the escort begins. I tried many ways to fix it with the Nav Mesh Baking, tricking values on NavMesh Agent... Editor has no error. The AI will just walk in the air. No matter how much I select the base target, nothing helps, the only way for it to work a minimum is to activate the AI when triggering the quest.
3/ Despite this, the AI only runs when it is close to the player, and walks when it is far away. When it should be the opposite.
Can someone help me with any of these problems? I would be grateful! : D