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Post by Deleted on Feb 3, 2018 0:26:59 GMT
hi thanks for uploading this it look good but i have a question I follow all the instruction and when install the add on one error pops error CS1703: An assembly `System.Data' with the same identity has already been imported. Consider removing one of the references Assets/Invector-3rdPersonController/Add-ons/ShadesSpellSystem/Plugins/System.Data.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error) Assets/Plugins/SQLiter/DLLs/System.Data.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error) ok so i remove the but when i do it these 2 errors appears 34 times Assets/Invector-3rdPersonController/Add-ons/ShadesSpellSystem/Scripts/CharacterDataEasySave2.cs(40,18): error CS0103: The name `ES2' does not exist in the current context and Assets/Invector-3rdPersonController/Add-ons/ShadesSpellSystem/Scripts/CharacterDataEasySave2.cs(42,24): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `ES2Writer' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference? Any idea how can i fix that? thanx in Advance without knowing what system you are running that isnt the easiest to answer regarding, in the release we provide win64 version. If your planning on using sqllite then you need to copy in the from your system, google sqllite and unity to see how to set it up for your target system. Your second error refers to not having EasySave2 installed. As both of those errors are referring to the data layer provider note the spell system provides two built in choices. its an either or none situation, both are optional, to use with easy save 2, dont install - CharacterDataSQLLite.cs data layer provider - the plugins folder - the MenuTest_LobbySQL scene then run the MenuTest_LobbyES2 scene or for a project without easysave 2, dont install the - CharacterDataEasySave2.cs data layer provider - the MenuTest_LobbyES2 scene then run the MenuTest_LobbySQL scene Any News about the update? if your in a hurry, why not extend the code and provide the update, this is an open source project
Junior vMember
Posts: 48
Post by kendall on Feb 3, 2018 7:07:06 GMT
Thanx for the answer my question it fix the 2 errors but now this error pops up
Assets/Invector-3rdPersonController/Add-ons/ShadesSpellSystem/Scripts/Editor/CreateMagicController.cs(337,116): error CS1061: Type `Invector.CharacterController.vMeleeCombatInput' does not contain a definition for `LockInput' and no extension method `LockInput' of type `Invector.CharacterController.vMeleeCombatInput' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Thanxs again innsomnia for the patience and sorry if i´m doing a lot of questions i just wanna make this run
Post by kevios on Feb 3, 2018 11:14:45 GMT
Any News about the update? if your in a hurry, why not extend the code and provide the update, this is an open source project Iam really not a good Coder and start to learn c# and unity few month ago and at the moment iam in education (i hope this is the right word for it english ^^) and must learn a lot of other shit so its very complicated for me to come forward with my unity project =/ and i thought it would be maybe a small easy thing for a good coder to update it because i dont know exactly how it could be and where i must look and so on =/ i really hope that i can do it on my own in the future but this still need time sorry for broken english =(
Post by darknubis365 on Feb 3, 2018 21:27:45 GMT
Looks like you might need Easy Save 2 asset from the asset store do you have that?Because thats what the error is calling out Addons /SpellsystemScripts/Characterdataeasysave2.cs is missing that .cs file should be in your Spellsystemsscripts folder but after you extract the easy save asset into your project
Post by vitrescible on Feb 3, 2018 23:13:59 GMT
This looks fantastic, intend to give it a spin as a way to make a gun that shoots a freezing effect this weekend. I really have no idea what I am doing so don't worry, nothing is amiss if my next posts here are a bunch of requests for help. I appreciate the work ya'll have put into this.
Post by vitrescible on Feb 4, 2018 0:22:06 GMT
If I manage to put together a game with this can I sell it on Steam without offending Shade or your license? At the Github I see "ShareALike", basically stating that if I make a game utilizing the Shades Spell System, I have to publish the game with the same open-source everyone-can-have-it and you're-welcome-pirate-it license...? Tell me it isn't so!
Post by vitrescible on Feb 4, 2018 0:54:10 GMT
Thanx for the answer my question it fix the 2 errors but now this error pops up Assets/Invector-3rdPersonController/Add-ons/ShadesSpellSystem/Scripts/Editor/CreateMagicController.cs(337,116): error CS1061: Type `Invector.CharacterController.vMeleeCombatInput' does not contain a definition for `LockInput' and no extension method `LockInput' of type `Invector.CharacterController.vMeleeCombatInput' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference? Thanxs again innsomnia for the patience and sorry if i´m doing a lot of questions i just wanna make this run I am getting the same error, after finding and deleting the CharacterEasySave script mentioned above, and clearing the Lighting error: Windows -> Lighting -> Settings -> Global Maps tab -> uncheck Auto Generate -> Click dropdown arrow on the right of "Generate Lighting" -> Clear Baked Data -> After its cleared, click Generate Lighting button and re-checking Auto Generate. Now its just the matter of the LockInput error, looks simple so I hope there's something you can find for us to copy paste into one of the scripts!
Post by vitrescible on Feb 4, 2018 1:01:39 GMT
Thanx for the answer my question it fix the 2 errors but now this error pops up Assets/Invector-3rdPersonController/Add-ons/ShadesSpellSystem/Scripts/Editor/CreateMagicController.cs(337,116): error CS1061: Type `Invector.CharacterController.vMeleeCombatInput' does not contain a definition for `LockInput' and no extension method `LockInput' of type `Invector.CharacterController.vMeleeCombatInput' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference? Thanxs again innsomnia for the patience and sorry if i´m doing a lot of questions i just wanna make this run I am getting the same error, after finding and deleting the CharacterEasySave script mentioned above, and clearing the Lighting error: Windows -> Lighting -> Settings -> Global Maps tab -> uncheck Auto Generate -> Click dropdown arrow on the right of "Generate Lighting" -> Clear Baked Data -> After its cleared, click Generate Lighting button and re-checking Auto Generate. Now its just the matter of the LockInput error, looks simple so I hope there's something you can find for us to copy paste into one of the scripts! I haven't used any of the functionality of Shades of Insomnia spell system yet, but I did get passed the LockInput error by opening the scripts CreateMagicController.cs and commenting out the whole line which includes the reference to MeleeInput.LockInput. Just add // infront of the line to comment it out. if (MeleeInput) UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(itemManager.onOpenCloseInventory, MeleeInput.LockInput); Its like 338, you can find it with CTRL+F when you open the CreateMagicController.cs script in Visual Studio. Since this looks like a quality of life improvement that simply stops the player from swinging his weapon in the background while navigating inventory screens, hopefully the whole functionality of the spells script is preserved. Anyway time for me to try and give my dude some magic.
Post by darknubis365 on Feb 4, 2018 1:50:14 GMT
I can only say from my experience when i got the vlockontarget error i just reinstalled the shooter melee package to fix it sorry your having problems hope you get it figured out
Post by shadex on Feb 5, 2018 9:03:07 GMT
If I manage to put together a game with this can I sell it on Steam without offending Shade or your license? At the Github I see "ShareALike", basically stating that if I make a game utilizing the Shades Spell System, I have to publish the game with the same open-source everyone-can-have-it and you're-welcome-pirate-it license...? Tell me it isn't so! Lol, no, it's not like that. Ok, if you release a game (aka steam, GoG, etc) you have to credit us....somewhere.... that's it. Something like "We used shade's spell system" or "Thanks to shades of insomnia". Now if you intend to make vitrescible's spell system, which uses our spell system as a base, then vitrescibles spell system must remain free. Then someone can't turn around and sell it on the asset store. It's more about keeping this free and protecting it from asset flippers, and those guy's who steal other's code, and try to pass it off as theirs. The spell system is a tool like a hammer. We are protecting the hammer, not the stuff that is created by the hammer. You can use or mod our hammer, but as long as your using our hammer, the hammer can't be sold.
Post by shadex on Feb 5, 2018 9:05:56 GMT
In CreateMagicController.cs on line 337 it has this line if (MeleeInput) UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(itemManager.onOpenCloseInventory, MeleeInput.LockInput); Replace that with this line if (MeleeInput) UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(itemManager.onOpenCloseInventory, MeleeInput.SetLockMeleeInput); It should compile then. On the Spellshowcase scene the animator needs to have exit transitions fixed due to unity removing them. To Fix: Go to the MagicMeleeCombatv2 animator. on Base -> Actions make a transition to exit for each substate (Roll, StepUp, ClimbUp, JumpOver, etc) Then in the full body layer go to FullBody -> Attacks -> WeakAttack and make a transition to exit for each Substate (Unarmed, SwordAttack, etc). Repeat this for strong attacks (FullBody -> Attacks -> StrongAttacks. Now for the Charged Frost Nova Error.... Go to UpperBody -> Magic -> ChargedForstNova. Delete the Transition from (Up)Magic -> Exit (So that the only exit is from Frost Nova Release) Do this for Charged Fireball as well. I'll upload a new animator to the repository soon. This was buried a page back, but it's the instructions to fixing the spell system after the new invector update.
Deleted Member
Posts: 0
Post by Deleted on Feb 5, 2018 21:44:38 GMT
for the fixes regarding the latest version of invector replace the scripts folder with the github one, I manage to put together a game with this can I sell it on Steam without offending Shade or your license? At the Github I see "ShareALike", basically stating that if I make a game utilizing the Shades Spell System, I have to publish the game with the same open-source everyone-can-have-it and you're-welcome-pirate-it license...? Tell me it isn't so! Lol, no, it's not like that. Ok, if you release a game (aka steam, GoG, etc) you have to credit us....somewhere.... that's it. Something like "We used shade's spell system" or "Thanks to shades of insomnia". Now if you intend to make vitrescible's spell system, which uses our spell system as a base, then vitrescibles spell system must remain free. Then someone can't turn around and sell it on the asset store. It's more about keeping this free and protecting it from asset flippers, and those guy's who steal other's code, and try to pass it off as theirs. The spell system is a tool like a hammer. We are protecting the hammer, not the stuff that is created by the hammer. You can use or mod our hammer, but as long as your using our hammer, the hammer can't be sold. thats the best licence explanation ever LMAO if your in a hurry, why not extend the code and provide the update, this is an open source project Iam really not a good Coder and start to learn c# and unity few month ago and at the moment iam in education (i hope this is the right word for it english ^^) and must learn a lot of other shit so its very complicated for me to come forward with my unity project =/ and i thought it would be maybe a small easy thing for a good coder to update it because i dont know exactly how it could be and where i must look and so on =/ i really hope that i can do it on my own in the future but this still need time sorry for broken english =( no worries, by the sounds of it i would focus on the basics first Looks like you might need Easy Save 2 asset from the asset store do you have that?Because thats what the error is calling out Addons /SpellsystemScripts/Characterdataeasysave2.cs is missing that .cs file should be in your Spellsystemsscripts folder but after you extract the easy save asset into your project its an either or none situation, both are optional, to use with easy save 2, dont install - CharacterDataSQLLite.cs data layer provider - the plugins folder - the MenuTest_LobbySQL scene then run the MenuTest_LobbyES2 scene or for a project without easysave 2, dont install the - CharacterDataEasySave2.cs data layer provider - the MenuTest_LobbyES2 scene then run the MenuTest_LobbySQL scene
New vMember
Posts: 18
Post by red on Feb 15, 2018 15:01:34 GMT
I keep getting the following error with Spell System v2.0g and Unity 2017.3.0f3
Asset 'MagicMeleeCombat_Original': Transition 'Fireball (2) Release -> INVALID' in state 'Fireball (2) Release' transitions to state '' which does not exist in controller. UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)
Deleted Member
Posts: 0
Post by Deleted on Feb 15, 2018 20:05:04 GMT
I keep getting the following error with Spell System v2.0g and Unity 2017.3.0f3 Asset 'MagicMeleeCombat_Original': Transition 'Fireball (2) Release -> INVALID' in state 'Fireball (2) Release' transitions to state '' which does not exist in controller. UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr) Hi mate download the updated animator from the github repository, that error (well a warning) was solved a way back and relates to the charged spells. If that is still occuring in v2.0g note it can be ignored or alternatively fixed by alter where the animator transition goes to for that state. thanks insomnia
Junior vMember
Posts: 48
Post by kendall on Feb 16, 2018 5:11:13 GMT
fotos internethi one question why when i install the add on all the new asset tabs disappears when unity restart is any way this not happens?